Romance with Chocolate - Hidden Items instal
Romance with Chocolate - Hidden Items instal

Romance with Chocolate - Hidden Items instal

And yeah, I was like the last person on earth to buy this but I’ve made up for it by making these cookies more than twice. It is, and really just has to be, the famed David Lebovitz, from his Great Book of Chocolate.

Romance with Chocolate - Hidden Items instal Romance with Chocolate - Hidden Items instal

Who is the crazed, handsome genius who brings us this masterpiece? No, not Alex, though he did bake the cookies while I washed dishes on Sunday (see how we switched it up there? cr-azy!). See, this cookie has what we affectionately call “a lot of chocolate to very little dough,” in fact, when you’re folding all of the ingredients together, it seems impossible that so many chocolate and pecan chunks will fit in so little batter, and the best part is that they barely do. And sometimes, sometimes when you’re making a heavy meal full of classics that I’ll get to one by one this week, you want to end on a simple–but not too subtle–note. I suppose there comes a point in every food blogger’s so-called “career” when she posts her favorite chocolate cookie recipe, but I’ve avoided this point for a long time because, does the internet actually need another chocolate chip cookie recipe? 130,000 times no.

Romance with Chocolate - Hidden Items instal